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Artificial Lift Technology
Upcoming Technical Training

Artificial Lift Technology

Rp. 0


Instruktur Pelatihan

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Call Admin 2+1 Hari
0812-100-8713 WIB
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Rp 0

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This training course is designed for engineers, technologist, and field personnel involved in the production engineering and production operations.

It presents a complete overview of the most widely used artificial lift systems in the oil and gas industry. A unified engineering concept or fundamentals of artificial lift is presented based on Nodal System analysis approach.

The differences amongst the various artificial lift systems, their applications, analysis of their performances, trouble shootings, economic and selection methods are clearly presented.

This interactive seminar type presentation blends lectures with some simple hands on problem solving workshops with adequate Q&A sessions. Detailed design, operations, troubleshooting, evaluation, economic analysis and maintenance of the artificial lift systems will be covered.

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan

By the end of this training course, participants are expected will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental (basic principles) of Artificial Lift Technology
  • Select and Design the best Artificial Lift method i.e. Gas lift, ESP, Sucker Rod Pump, PCP, etc
  • Operations and Analysis of the selected Artificial Lift method, 
  • Anticipate the Artificial Lift problems, Troubleshooting and Economics

Outline Materi

  • Day-1:

    1. Introduction, Course of Content and Pre-Test
    2. Safety, Health and Environment
    3. Artificial Lift Overview
    4. The need of Artificial Lift and Well Performance
    5. Production Enhancement and NODAL Analysis
    6. Main Artificial Lift Methods


    1. Gas Lift Methods and Overview
    2. Gas Lift Design, Operations, and Analysis
    3. Gas Lift Problems & Trouble shooting
    4. ESP Overview and Feature
    5. ESP Design, Operations, and Analysis
    6. ESP Failures, Root Cause and Trouble shootings
    7. ESP Run Life, Vibrations and Technologies


    1. Other Main Artificial Lift Methods
    2. Rod Pump
    3. Progressive Cavity Pump
    4. Hydraulic Pump, Jet Pump, and Plunger Lift
    5. Current Development of Artificial Lift Methods
    6. Artificial Lift Screening and Artificial Lift Economics
    7. Software Applications and Case Study

    Post Test and Closing

Metode Penyampaian

This training seminar will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques, videos, animation, questions and answers and sharing experiences to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.

The daily course will be highly interactive and participative by requesting and discussing each participant actual operation.

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