exconsolusindo - Memajukan UKM Indonesia

Asset Management Quality Assurance for Operability & Maintainability
Upcoming Technical Training

Asset Management Quality Assurance for Operability & Maintainability

Rp. 0


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0812-100-8713 WIB
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Rp 0

*Harga belum termasuk pajak


The Asset Management Quality Assurance for Operability & Maintainability course provides the participants with a practicable assurance process of asset management system at the early stages of project development to assure it can provide a sustainable competitive advantage to manage risk, to optimize cost and performance across the asset lifecycle.

This course defines governing principles and describe how the asset management quality assurance for operability and maintainability will contribute to meeting company goals and objectives.

The course focus on critical quality assurance steps of asset management process which defines the plans, process, procedure and organizational knowledge at very early stage of project development..

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan

Can help participants understand critical quality assurance process to ensure an effective asset management system is developed and implemented during very early stage of asset/project

Outline Materi

1. Introduction to optimum asset lifecycle management process
2. Project to Operations Readiness
3. Effective Asset Management Quality Assurance for Operability & Maintainability

Metode Penyampaian

Training class

Membutuhkan pelatihan inhouse?
Pelatihan dengan minimal 10 peserta, silakan isi formulir permintaan proposal inhouse.