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Idle Well Reactivation and Rejuvenation of Mature Fields
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Idle Well Reactivation and Rejuvenation of Mature Fields

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This training course is designed for engineers and field personnel involved in the production engineering, reservoir engineering, G and G, and production operations. It presents a complete overview of idle well and mature fields in the oil and gas industry. Mature field, also known as brownfield, is a field that is in a state of declining production or reaching the end of its productive live. These fields are considered the “backbone” of the industry, especially in Indonesia where discovery of new field is something we do not hear for quite long. According to a report from Cambridge Energy Research Associates, about two-thirds of the world’s daily oil production comes from mature fields.

Why today the majority of oil companies are focusing on maximizing the recovery factor (RF) from their oilfields as well as maintaining an economic oil rate? This is because it is becoming increasingly difficult to discover new oilfields, many problems we encounter for exploration phase, either economical or funding regulations. Furthermore, recently Indonesian Government set the goal to increase the national production be 1 million bopd and 12 MM scf/day by year 2030. Therefore, sustaining production from mature fields is becoming an uphill task in the after storm of pandemic covid-19 plus economic crisis.

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan

The aim of this training is to presents a complete overview of how to rejuvenate the mature of oil and effort to reactivate many of idle wells. Especially almost all oil fields in Indonesia are categorized as mature field and thousand wells are inactive state. After 140 years oil and gas industry in Indonesia and none big oil field is found in Indonesia for decades, people and Indonesia Government want to shift from fuel fossil-based energy into Electric or Renewable based energy.

By the end of this training course, participants are expected will be able to:

  • Understand the definition and the fundamental (basic principles) how to select and reactivate the idle well as well as how to develop the mature fields.
  • Select, design and execute the method to rejuvenate the mature field.
  • Anticipate the rejuvenate problems, Troubleshooting and Economics

Outline Materi


  1. Introduction, Course of Content and Pre-Test
  2. Safety, Health and Environment in oil and gas industry
  3. Overview of Idle well and Mature Fields
  4. The need to Rejuvenation of Mature Fields
  5. Field Production History, How Much Remaining Oil and Where?
  6. Fundamentals of Down hole Condition 
  7. Reservoir and Operational Problems and Some Reasons Wells are put on Inactive Status



  1. Well Data Collection of Idle Wells
  2. The Final Status of Idle Wells Evaluation: Reactivated or P&A
  3. Reactivation of Idle Well
  4. Methods of Rejuvenation of Mature Field
  5. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
  6. Huff and Puff (Pressure Maintenance) and Water Flood
  7. Well Stimulation (Fracturing and Acid Wash)



  1. Chemical Injection (Surfactant or Detergent, Polymer, Alkaline)
  2. Thermal or Steam Injection (in-situ)
  3. Gas Injection (CO2 and N2)
  4. Tertiary Recovery: Thermal, Gas, Chemicals
  5. Mature Field Revitalization – Economical
  6. Advantages & Disadvantages of Each Revitalization Method
  7. Case Study 

Post Test and Closing

Metode Penyampaian

This training seminar will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques, videos, you tube, animation, questions and answers and sharing experiences to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The daily course will be highly interactive and participative by requesting and discussing each participant actual operation.

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