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Introduction of Lube Oil Analysis
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Introduction of Lube Oil Analysis

Rp. 0


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0812-100-8713 WIB
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Rp 0

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Lube oil is the life-blood of machinery. Much like doctors assess our health though blood analysis, critical plant equipment must be monitored in much the same manner. Chronic lubricant or equipment symptoms show up as indicators in oil analysis samples and, if left uncorrected, can lead to equipment degradation and lost productivity. 

Therefore, the goal of a proactive oil analysis program is to trend gradual changes in fluid properties, contaminants and wear debris so that corrective action can be initiated in a controlled, planned manner.

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan

After completing this course the attending will get knowledge how to do shaft/coupling properly, the misalignment is responsible for over half of all excessive vibration in machines. The resulting premature bearing and seal wear has a significant effect on machine life, production availability, and ultimately, your plant’s profitability.

Outline Materi


  • Grease applications
  • Lubrication Storage and Handling
  • High & Low Viscosity cause and effect and the solution
  • Water Contamination cause and effect and the solution
  • Fuel Dilution cause and effect and the solution
  • Fuel Soot cause and effect and solution
  • Oxidation cause and effect and the solution
  • TAN, TBN cause and effect and solution
  • Particle Count cause and effect and solution
  • Evaluate Element, Sources and the Function

Metode Penyampaian

One day delivery theoretical in the class room with light case histories.

This course is highly for Condition monitoring engineer, vibration engineer, rotating engineer, lube oil sampling collector technician and everyone who involve in predictive maintenance department.

Membutuhkan pelatihan inhouse?
Pelatihan dengan minimal 10 peserta, silakan isi formulir permintaan proposal inhouse.