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Introduction of Thermography
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Introduction of Thermography

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One of the reasons that we are considered when you receive One Day ‘Introduction to InfraRed Thermography’ Training, it will benefit to you, after completing this course you will get plenty of knowledge. The course content will give you good introduction to and application of Thermography, both in a practical and theoretical manner. This is a new of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance applications approach to support machinery deterioration manner.

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan

Aim of the One Day course:

  • Give an introduction to, and an understanding 
  • Basic infrared theory necessary for successful Infrared Camera operation.
  • To develop an awareness of the broad range of potential uses of Infrared Imaging
  • Develop best practice operation of Infrared Cameras

Outline Materi

Our ‘Introduction to Thermography’ Training Course syllabus is comprehensive and includes the following topics:

  • Basic Infrared Theory
  • General principles of heat transfer and its relation to infrared radiation
  • Camera specification
  • Introduction to thermal imaging and measurement systems for predictive maintenance applications. 
  • Predictive Maintenance by applying Infrared thermal imaging
  • No experience in thermography is necessary
  • Collect quality data, accurate temperature readings, 
  • Account for measurement effects such as distance 
  • Emissivity using infrared cameras.
  • Informed decisions using heat transfer concepts to analyze thermal images, 
  • Avoid costly mistakes learn to distinguish between hot spots and reflections, 
  • Direct vs. indirect readings and qualitative vs. quantitative thermography.
  • Challenge yourself with field applications.
  • Closely simulate real world infrared applications.
  • Collect quality data, 
  • Accurate temperature readings, 
  • Account for measurement effects such as distance and emissivity using infrared cameras.
  • Avoid costly mistakes - learn to distinguish between hot spots and reflections, direct vs. indirect readings and qualitative vs. quantitative thermography.

Metode Penyampaian

One day delivery theoretical in the class room with light case histories.

This course is highly for Condition monitoring engineer, vibration engineer, rotating engineer, Infrared Thermography data collector technician and everyone who involve in predictive maintenance department.

Membutuhkan pelatihan inhouse?
Pelatihan dengan minimal 10 peserta, silakan isi formulir permintaan proposal inhouse.