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Managing Safe Operation in Oil & Gas Production Facilities
Upcoming Technical Training

Managing Safe Operation in Oil & Gas Production Facilities

Rp. 0


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Rp 0

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The course outlines the following topics to enable participants in having a complete perspective and applicative understanding on Managing Safe Operation in Oil & Gas Production.

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan


This course will provide the participant with the essential practical knowledge on type of Operational Hazard, and the tools to manage hazard from being escalated to operation risk.


Understanding the operational risk and its control is the essential knowledge that Operators, Supervisor and Engineers should have and familiar with. Those are holding following roles will most benefited from this course:
• Plant- Production Facilities Operators
• Operations Supervisors
• Facility- Plant Engineers
• Operations Manager

Outline Materi

Managing Safe Operation in Oil & Gas Production:

• Process Safety- Operation Hazards
• Barrier type and its functional
• Risk Management Tools
• Safe Operating Envelope ( SOL-NOL)
• SCE (Safety Critical Element)
• BIFO ( Bypass, Inhibit, Force and Override), SCEARA
• Safe Energy Isolation
• Management of Change

Metode Penyampaian

Class Training

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