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Process and Instrumentation Diagrams
Upcoming Technical Training

Process and Instrumentation Diagrams

Rp. 0


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The course outlines the following topics to enable participants having a complete perspective and applicative understanding of the P&ID and the components on it.

Tujuan Pelatihan

Tujuan Pelatihan


This course will provide the participant with a complete perspective on understanding, how to read the PFD, PID and its symbol and interpret in the overall process context. Within this course the participants will practice to interpret the real PID for typical process in Oil & Gas Production Facility.


PID is a replica of the whole process in paper, so, understanding of PID in the operation of a production facilities is a fundamental knowledge that Operators, Supervisor and Engineers should have and familiar with. Those are holding following roles will most benefited from this course:
• Plant- Production Facilities Operators
• Operations Supervisors
• Plant-Facility Engineers

Outline Materi

• Drawing Components
• P&ID vs Process Flow Diagram
• P&ID Symbol interpretation
• Control valves and loop understanding
• How to Read & Interpret P&ID in process system
• Separation system
• Amine Sweetening system
• Gas metering system
• Oil Storage Tanks.

Metode Penyampaian

Class Training

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